Friday, 26 October 2012

WAAAA! :'(

I've quit MSP guys! I know, I'm really really sorry! But to be honest, when I was on MSP for like EVER SINGLE SECOND OF EVER SINGLE DAY then I always felt that the only reason I'd quit is when I grow up to be like 15 or something. I'm only 12, and I'm turning 13 soon in November, but MSP is like getting SOOO boring now that hardly any of my friends are online when I am! And I always get depressed when I think about you guys, and when I read all your posts!

I told Pretty_Chic that i'll post on my blog, and I have but like after AGESSSS and I'm so sorry about that Aki! And when I read Aqua's blog, when she said she still reads my blog, I felt so touched! And it just reminded me of all the people who still follow my blog! I've let you guys down so much! )':

So much has changed since the last time I've been on MSP, so whenever I log on, it just seems like a new site! And I know it sounds sad, but like.... I feel lost on there. There's been loads of new competitions that I've missed, so I haven't been able to get any new clothes, and I haven't been getting ANY money AT ALL, so I can't really afford any if I wanted to. I've also been stuck in the same place on my fame bar, and so many of my friends have progressed, so I kinda feel left out. BUT MSP ISN'T ALL ABOUT FAME, SO I DON'T CARE ;D

I miss all you guys so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've all been better friends to me then some of my friends in real life (And I know, shocking, right?) cuz you've all been helping me when I'm down, you've been listening to me whenever I talk to you, you've been making me cry in joy whenever you guys post about me on your blogs, and I'm SO FRIGGIN' TOUCHED THAT I FEEL SO GUILTY ABOUT NOT COMING ON AND LEAVING YOU GUYS! Please forgive me! <'333333333333333333333

Thank you so much for everything guys, and I WILL go on MSP whenever I get the chance! I just want you guys to know that I haven't forgot about you, and I'll always be thinking and thanking you guys for everything!!!!!! And please don't forget me! And I also wanted to say that if any of my best friends on MSP want to make some space for another person, It's okay to delete me as your best friend or girlfriend, because I won't get sad and upset! Atleast I know that you've moved on from me, and I don't want you guys to feel that I'll get all angry and soppy if you delete me! <'3

I love you guys, keep on playing on MSP and I hope you all have a great life in the future<3 (I know, random, but true)

-From you're always-thinking-about-you-guys-and-getting-depressed-when-I-realise-I-have-left-you friend, DaisyFlowers<3


  1. Seriously Davii, HOW CAN I DELETE YOU AS A BFF?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!!?!?!!??!?!!?
    ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm Sure It Is For Others Unless Their Dumbos -.-
    Anyways I Was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY When You Poste On My Blog! There Was Tis Sense Of Sensation Where I Was Like WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO! ^^ I Thought Yu Totally Forgot About MSP And Your Friends Ect! Its So Boring On Msp Now Cos Before You Were On Before Alot (Not Saying You HAVE To Come On ;) )
    So Just That Post On My Blog Made Me Happy And A Post On Your Blog! WOOOW!! :'DD
    Wow Its Been Ages Since I've Talked To You!
    I've Always Looked On Your Blog For A New Post But There Wasn't One :'(
    Good Thing I Never Gave Up (;
    Anyways This Was A LOOOONG Post! LOL
    Sooo Yeah :'D
    LY ^^


  2. love you too <3 even tho i dont even go on msp since like 3 or 4 months ago xd

  3. I don't go msp much anymore. I kinda feel the same- lost.
    I've said on my blog that I've been going on everyday and I will but I can't. :\
    That's been going on for a few days but now its over. I have nothing to do on msp anymore so don't be sorry because we all respect your decisions and we know that you wont be stuck on msp forever. We all love you, but you have the right to have your own decision.
    And no, I aint deleting you, Daisy! (;
    Of course, I wouldn't delete you just because you dont go on much ( I dont go on much either) because your such a great friend. Its not about if we talk alot or we dont. I've made those mistakes were I deleted people because we didn't talk for long and now, you don't know how much I regret them.
    And btw, it IS shocking but I think the same. I get along with some of the people in msp more than the ones irl! :')
    P.S: I really LOVE your blog and all your posts and I missed them so much! So now, you made Agz happehhh ^_^

    1. You always know how to make a person happy Agsy<'3

  4. Daisy, I miss yu sooo much!

    It's yur decision if yu want to quit, just don't forget we all love yu! :'D

    I do excactly the same as Chic, I come here everyday to read new posts, but there hasn't been one, so I read past posts instead.

    I won't forget yu, nobody will! <'33333

    And if we were bff's, same as them, I would still never delete yuu! :-) xx

    Loveyuu Daisyyyy! <'3333333

    1. Thank you so much for this comment Aqua, you are too amazing <'33 I love you! ♥

  5. hi daisy,
    you probably won't remember me, i didn't know you very well. all i can say is that you have some very loyal bff's. me, not so much xDD
    if you do ever come online, talk to me, i miss you. :')
    so, yeah, i've kinda nuzzled in on the edge of your gang, i'm friends with you, aqua, megan (miss her so much), aricandy & rocky. haha, lol, i'm so sad xDD
    -loudiee a.k.a Loud & Proud

    1. Of course I remember you! We never talked much, but we had a good chat in the chatrooms with everyone else, and I follow your blog! And thanks for saying you miss me, it meant a lot ♥

      And yes, I do have VERY loyal BFF's<3 Thanks for pointing that out ;)


    I haven't been posting either because I also quit. I was thinking of coming back, but knowing that you won't be around has sort of made me think twice... I get depressed thinking I've left everyone too! Let's be depressed together, but let's remember why we quit before we get too weak and give in to MSP's addictive, evil ways.

    I know how you feel. But I hope we'll remember all our good times, and I hope one day we'll be able to talk once again.

    I'll always remember you. I'll check your blog as much as I can, but right now I'm on holiday so I can't really say much more.

    Oh and I'm never going to delete you as a BFF. Even if I do crawl back to MSP some day. You're a golden friend, and we all know we're lucky to have had you there with us on MSP, even if that experience is over now. :)

    Well, time for me to go and write my Christmas list and get ready for my dinner. I hope we can find a way to keep in touch; without getting too personal of course. Do you have a PlayStation Network account, a Nintendo Wii/3DS friend code, etc.?

    I'll always remember you and cherish our golden moments, even if they were virtual!

    Don't you dare go and forget about me. Ever. Okay? ;)

    Forever your Meggy-Weggly c'x

    1. I will never ever frickin ever forget you Megsy! You have been such a great friend to me and to every other of your friends. You've stuck up for me when I'm down, I can easily spill out y worries and problems to you in confidence, and we always used to have such laughs! How can I ever forget that? Thank you so much for everything Megsy, I can never owe up to all the loyalty you have given me ♥

    2. Aww, thank you. I love you as a bfflaeaeaeaeaeae. <3

  7. Daisy i know we dont know each other well but ever since giraffegirl told me about you (when i was on level 2 or 3) i always envied you from the first moment. You inspired me to become who i am. I will still admire you through my life and remember you as one of my inspiring icons. I hope you come back one day to msp.I hope you have a great future and i wish you za very best ;)

    From frenchy-random-cheesy-tomboyish-girlyish-Zayn'Malik'Loving-Bubbly-Friendly Villa <'3 AKA Your fellow inspired-by-yooh penguin

  8. Thank you so much for this comment! It made my day ♥

    I never really thought myself as an 'inspiring idol' ♥ Thank you for that<3

    You really made me happy inside, and made me feel better about myself♥ Thank you, again ;D ♥♥


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- Daisy